Here's a non-exhaustive list of all projects I've worked on and built.
Aslam is a high-performance LSM store with lock-free memtables, parallel compaction, MVCC transactions and optimized block caching. Consistently hits 1K+ QPS on mixed workloads.
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Pulsar is a cross-platform, modular 2d game engine with multi-threaded physics sim, fast parallel ECS, Lua middleware, data-oriented design and a Unity-
esque interface.
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DrawBot is a drawing robot that brings touch-drawn paths to life. Built the full stack - from display UI to diff drive control, path planning and wireless comms. Runs on two STM32s with sensor fusion, PID control and a neat pen servo setup.
[gh], ['24]
foobar is a modern vim-like editor built from scratch with a gap buffer for O(1) insertions and custom terminal renderer. Implements raw mode handling, ANSI escape sequences and efficient screen updates with modern C++.
[gh], ['24]
rtc implements path tracing with BVH acceleration, textures, volumetrics and instanced transforms. Building full pipeline from ray-object intersections to material sampling and multi-threaded rendering. Based on Shriley's RTiOW+RTiNW.
[gh], ['24]
mallot is a thread-safe memory allocator with segregated free lists, mmap-based pools, block coalescing. Implements full malloc/free/realloc interface with proper alignment + frag handling.
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Class projects including (~)RISC-V assembler, simulator, multiplier, linker along with pipeline and cache simulators in C. Tarjan's pairing heap, SQL-like relational database, a Pokémon Battle simulator with optimal TSP tour, image resizing with seam-carving, Piazza posts classifier, a real-time Star Wars themed stock exchange and a Euchre simulator in performant, modern C++. ['22, '23]
kvstore is a linearizable distributed KV database with sharded replicas, Paxos consensus, and a robust config service for dynamic shard management. My first foray into serious dist systems. ['24]
mClasses is a distributed search engine with lock-free concurrent indexing, custom vector DB, and an optimized query compiler for course relationship graphs. Consistently hits sub-2ms p99 latency across 80K+ nodes.
[link], ['24]
gorbis is a spatial data engine with R-tree indexing, KNN search and clustering support. Features fast bulk loading, bbox queries and a MapLibre viz frontend. Inspired by Uber's H3 libs. [
wip], ['24]
vasco is the UMich campus locations, buildings database and api. Feeder to an ongoing project with maps and scheduling.
[gh], ['22]
mdrone-vision is an AprilTag vision stack for autonomous drone landing. Built the camera pipeline, tag detector and pose estimation system, with UART comms to talk to flight controllers.
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xmarks-to-notion is a fast bookmarks migration tool with browser automation + notion sync. Has local caching, retries, rate limiting and clean exports. Weekend hack to save my X bookmarks.
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Robot-learning projects including a Bayesian Optimization framework for robust MPC policy search, a VAE-based latent dynamics model from raw images, GP models for learning uncertain dynamics and classic Model-free RL algos (PPO, PG) implementation. ['23] A
fully-homomorphic encryption scheme based on hardness of RLWE problem with support for ciphertext addition and multiplication through relinearization, modulus switching. Crypto class final project. ['23] An
occupancy based risk-aware path planner for delivery drones built in six hours for a stealth startup's virtual onsite interview. Used RRT* with a custom cost function and a 3D occupancy grid. ['23]
BruhBot ecosystem included tooling for our online classes during Covid built with, a memeAPI, media backup workers, smart class note taking, reminder tracking, yearbook/zoom automation etc. ['21]
Phoenix is a real-time aerial wildfire tracking and forecast system. Wrote PCA, random forest, CNNs and sequence models from scratch. Selected as a National Winner for NASA SpaceApps ['20]
college-app-cli is an interactive terminal app for school counselors to track student college applications and manage application materials. Developed as my final grade 12th CS project.
[gh], ['20]
matrix-processor is a Python lib for matrix ops written from scratch when learning linAlg. Made math classes less painful. ['20],
[gh] MOCP discord rich presence lib for Unix music players.
[gh], ['20]
cool math, art and code including a maze generator and solver, mitosis simulator, 3d terrain generators, menger sponge, fractals, space invaders, hunt the wumpus, hangman, minesweeper etc.
[gh], ['19, '20]
event management platform built with Django and used for 1.3k students during the 25th International Tech Symposium, Exun 2020. Also, a job portal
[gh], link shortener
[gh], meme generator
[link], real-time internet karma calculator and leaderboard
[link], an AirBnB for tour guides
[gh], Conway's game of life
[link], a persistent dataserver
[gh], a starter template for hackathons
[gh], a magazine launch app
[link] and the prettiest weather app you'll ever use :)